Tips for deep cleaning your tiles

deep cleaning your tiles

Citric acid: a powerful cleanser

To clean your tiles, wear household gloves and scrub your floor thoroughly with a brush broom or a sponge previously soaked in a solution of citric acid and hot water. Rinse thoroughly with clear water.

When maintaining your home, scrubbing the tiles is an important step, even essential. In order to proceed correctly, remember to adopt simple and effective techniques.

There are many effective techniques for cleaning your tiles. Discover now the common practices that will help you perfect the cleaning of your bathroom.

Clean the tiles: how often?

Used on a daily basis, the tiles tend to become dirty and yellow . Its joints, meanwhile, darken and mold over time. It is therefore important to clean your tiles regularly , to prolong their life , but also to restore their shine . As for the frequency of washing, everything depends on the dirtiness of the floor: if it is full of stains , it is better to proceed without delay, so that these do not become encrusted. Generally speaking, you can clean your tile once a week or so. To prevent the joints from blackening, it is important to clean them at leastonce a year

Cleaning the tiles: how to proceed?

There are quick and easy ways to clean your tile. You can bring a steam mop to clean your bathroom or kitchen floor thoroughly, without using chemicals. But no need for sophisticated devices at the cutting edge of technology to restore shine and shine to your tiles. Using a brush, you can opt for a solution combining washing -up liquid , white vinegar and water to clean the tiles and joints without damaging them. There are also natural products, such as black soap, baking sodaor even white vinegar !

Clean the tiles: don’t forget the joints!

If the tiles of your tiling are clean, the fact remains that your blackened joints can stain your floor. It is therefore necessary to restore them to their full brilliance. And that is easy! Use an old toothbrush or cleaning brush . Dilute 2/3 white vinegar to 1/3 water . Effectively rub the mixture on the joints and leave to act for 15 minutes . Then, rinse well. Your seals will be like new!

These are all factors that must be taken into account to guarantee the success of eco-construction. Indeed, the future housing must be able to:

Raw earth  : it is effective in avoiding humidity problems and optimizing the insulation of houses . Besides being easy to collect, it can replace concrete when mixed with lime.

Wood : more insulating than concrete, this material is ideal for designing the framework of buildings and houses .

Hemp : it is used in the same way as terracotta. Its production is particularly eco-responsible. In France, this plant grows easily and abundantly.

Simplicity at the heart of eco-construction

Eco-construction is based not only on energy sobriety , but also on technological sobriety . As the production of technological equipment has an impact on the environment, its use should be reduced as much as possible. Thus, construction companies are opting for versatile and natural materials. To make the most of the spaces, the layout of the rooms in the house must be multi-purpose.

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